Energy supply in breweries of the future
The low-temperature brewery according to Steinecker
Energy-efficiency in the brewery not only reduces the operating costs but it also protects the environment. Steam as a heat transfer medium in modern plants has served its time, because high system losses had to be accepted for the provision of energy. Boiler plants for high-pressure water supply was already the first step in the right direction to reduce the losses.
However, the Steinecker concept of a low-temperature brewery is the advancement of a hot-water system with a significantly reduced temperature level in favour of a minimised CO2 footprint of a brewery.
At a glance
- Use of hot water of up to 115 °C as a heat transfer medium in a closed system
- Energy provision via a central energy storage tank
- Multiple use of thermal energy
- Easy integration of energy recovery
- Central energy system also for renewable energy
Basis for the low-temperature concept with energy storage unit
Energy losses and useful heat of a steam boiler
- Steam systems cause high distribution, condensate and re-evaporation losses. In the field, fuel losses of up to 50% can occur.
- Most processes in a brewery run at a temperature below 100 °C.
- Lower heating agent temperatures reduce delivery, radiation and system losses.
- Special stratified energy storage tanks avoid consumption peaks due to overlapping heat consumers.
The facts at a glance
Low temperature combines economy and ecology
By recording the current energy and media streams, we are able to analyse the potential for optimisation in order to create concepts for an environmentally friendly brewing process.
In the long term, investments in the energy supply technology will result in a significantly higher return on investment than investments in an increased extract yield.
Benefits to you
Optimal utilisation of the available thermal energy
The intelligent control system supports the continuous loading and emptying of the energy storage tank with a high capacity factor at the same time.
Integration of different energy sources
The system with energy storage tank enables the inclusion of a CHP, solar thermal system or the combination of different heat generation systems to cover the basic or total load.
No peak loads at the boiler plant
The central energy storage tank enables a consistent loading and therefore the smallest possible boiler capacities.
Brewing beer with low energy consumption
The use of the EquiTherm system and the low-temperature concept for the heat supply of the brewing process is the key to the most-saving brewery with an energy consumption of < 19 kWh per hectolitre of beer.